Thursday, December 20, 2007

Old v New

Here is the kit lens, hand held, no flash.

And here is my new lens, 50 mm, f/1.8...


Jane F. Smith said...

OOOO I think I like the new lens better!! very nice shot..great colors and clearity!!!

cherie said...

I think on this shot the ne wlens worked better! very nice hope you enjoy it .

Lori Kelso said...

The f/1.8 takes a little practice to get used to. It looks like maybe your focal point was less on the ornament, and more on the ribbon right next to it. It's difficult when you first start shooting with any new lens, as far as I'm concerned, but that particular lens took me awhile to get used to. What that lens is really good for, is to isolate a subject, so if you were to say, pick an ornament that was hanging on the edge of a limb, rather than one nestled into the tree, and focus on the ornament, everything behind it would sort of blur, making it the sole object of interest. It helps to be a little further away from the subject also. Love the first photo, and wow, what a gorgeous tree that must be!! The colors in the second are just beautiful! I can see why you are saying you're not sure if you like the new one better or not, but I swear you will in time. PS I adore purple!

Tonya said...

The new lens is much softer. That's what we were going for right? Looks great. If you want more clear shots I'd use the kit lens.

jenney said...

You're going to LOVE that new lens! My advice, though: don't put it at 1.8 aperture unless you have to. You get sharper photos at 2.0. Just my experience. =)

Brandyland said...

very neat photos

Christian Mom said...

I agree is is hard to decide. I like them both for different reasons. The first one focuses more on the ornament and the second on the ribbon it is a little softer look. They are both equally great.

gilmoregirl75 said...

Beautiful shots, love the colors.